Galleria mellonella

Galleria mellonella, the greater wax moth or honeycomb moth, is a moth of the family Pyralidae. G. mellonella is found throughout the world. It is one of two species of wax moths, with the other being the lesser wax moth. G. mellonella eggs are laid in th

  • Use for
  • Product specifications
  • Directions for use
  • Product handling

Use for

Use for

Scientific research, bioassay, pets diet.

Product specifications

Product specifications

Pack size 100/package

Survival rate 80%

Directions for use

Directions for use

If stored in refrigerator

Take the larvae out of fridge, and leave them for 30 minutes until they start to crawl.

Product handling

Product handling

Storage temperature and time  at 7-12℃ for 40-55 days